Chinese “Spy Ship” Yuan Wang 5 Arrives Hambantota Port on 16 August 2022

Has Sri Lanka deceived India by allowing Chinese ‘Spy Ship’ to dock-in Hambantota port? The crookery drama that Sri Lanka staged by allowing Chinese’s “Spy Ship” Yuan Wang 5 to dock in Hambantota is sprightly deceptive and arrogant.

Sri Lanka’s pretence that India failed to provide valid reasons for not allowing Yuan Wang 5 to dock in Hambantota port is another act of Sri Lankan state’s deception. Sri Lankan state has always been hostile to India, which Sri Lanka inherited for generations in the past.

Albeit India was unequivocally made it clear that allowing Chinese “Spy Ship” would create security concern to its region, Sri Lanka ignored such clarifications and duped India by playing with words.

The foregoing infers that Chinese are becoming more dominant in Sri Lanka, and Sr Lanka is unable to defend its position due to its indebtedness to China. Although Chinese dominance prevails in the west and south of the island, its authority is diminutive in the north and east, inherited by Tamil people who are the natural allies to India for its generosities whenever in need.

There is a great possibility for China to cynically explore the missile interceptor base at Hambantota to destabilise the Indian Ocean Region (IOR). The risk is therefore significantly high.

While we, the British Tamils Forum (BTF) conveys its best wishes to the President, the Prime Minister and the people of India concerned on their 75th Anniversary, Diamond Jubilee Independence celebration, we expect India to be more vigilant on China’s and Sri Lanka’s future actions as we, the native Tamil people have been experiencing such Sri Lanka’s hypocrisy for the past 74 years.

Press Release-Chinese “Spy Ship” Yuan Wang 5 Arrives Hambantota Port on 16 August 2022


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